Category Archives: General

PSA: Dwarf Fortress

Dear easily entertained people readers:

It recently came to my attention that the pictures from DF: Winter 125, pt. 1 onward don’t link to the media file as they should. I blame MS Word, which I used to write those posts, and the upload process. Correcting this is a pain in the arse using a netbook. However, I will have access to chrome next week, so you can expect a correction then. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and will keep you updated on the update.

In addition to the pictures, the numbering from Autumn 125 onward was off by one – Summer and Autumn both were labeled as “Dwarf Fortress 04”. This should be corrected now.

PSA: Change Of Regime

Effective immediately, the Bioshock Infinite-series will update on Tuesday and Friday.

This will allow me to run the series longer (until JAN 9th instead of JAN 2nd), hopefully allowing me to continue with the DLC straight away. Yes, I will get the DLC during the current Steam Sale, and yes, I will talk about it. It is likely that I continue the Infinite-format of first-play-commentary.

Furthermore, this new schedule gives me more room for other things. I’ve just made sure these other things wont happen, right..? The every-other-day schedule left me with, well, every other day for something different, which somehow led to me thinking I’d better write stuff for every day. This might actually be possible right now, but it wont be for long.

End of PSA. Bioshock Infinite will return with part eleven on Tuesday, DEC 30th.

Interlude, 13.12.2014

Today I finished Bioshock: Infinite. There are currently 6 more posts queued up, and there should be at least two more in it. As I have massively underestimated this before, there are probably way more than two in there.

This was Bioshock Infinite without any DLC – I’ll probably grab the DLC once its on steam for cheap. The nitpicking will continue, of course, should this happen.

Some for-now-final words: I liked this game. It tells an interesting story, and it tells it well. It’s beautiful, it’s colourful, it really knows how to do environmental storytelling. And it does a really good job with its ending.
I enjoyed playing it, and I thoroughly recommend playing it.
The nitpicking will continue tomorrow.

What’s next?
Dwarf Fortress still does this thing were directly after an update another update is announced, with another feature I’d rather wait for.
BUT: on Dec. 16, Elite: Dangerous will be released. There’s a good chance I’ll do some launch coverage (look at me, using all the big words) and/or some “let’s fiddle around and complain about it” as I’ve done with Infinite.